First off, Sunrider Foods are just that, food in their most concentrated and whole form. The whole point to this is to become nutritionally balanced, healed and whole. It is truly a God-send into my life and so many others.
I have PCOS, which is a hormone disorder in women that is also a leading cause of infertility. Other symptoms of PCOS include increased weight, increased facial hair, skin problems (ie acne), and irregular or absent ovulation, aka Hormonal Imbalance. If it is not treated, over time it can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Besides that, I have some arthritis in my back, knee and arms/hands. These are some real issues for me and as I rapidly am approaching 40, I know that I have to start taking better care of myself... but how?
I seemed to have tried everything with no lasting success. Weight Watchers, Make Over America, Vegetarian, Peskatarian, Fiber Pills, Lemonande Cleansing Diet, Walking, Running (yeah right!), Pilates, Yoga, Starving and on and on until I just decided that this must be what was meant for me. I am to go through life, over weight, hairy and childless with routine Chiro visits to align my back and hips. This was my pity party, daily.
Now I can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Sunrider foods are making a difference in my life. Though it's only been a month, I have lost 10lbs (effortlessly), my complexion is clearing (noticeably), my back is not aching and my knee has been just a little more tolerable to activity whereas, I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without a limp, no I speed walk everywhere I go. I seem to have so much more energy and I am sleeping much better then before, I actually feel rested.
I still haven't had any changes in my ovarian cysts ( I haven't noticed anything but I have had some slight cramping which is a good signs as I haven't had my cycle in 4 months) and facial hair is still my struggle but I have faith that it too will alleviate.
I take 3 NuPlus, 1 Calli (gallon throughout the day), 3 Quinary. It is my regimen daily. It was a bit of a struggle to try to drink a gallon of Calli in 1 day but I am finally getting the hang of it.
Keeping a balanced diet is essential for health. Our daily food intake, unfortunately, is often unbalanced. Sunrider's most basic herbal food is formulated with herbal ingredients that serve as a foundation on which to build a healthy diet and to fill in nutritional gaps.
Recently, many other beverage manufacturers have "discovered" the various health advantages of drinking green tea. Sunrider has used it in Calli® for 20 years. However, Calli® is much more than just green tea. It's an exclusive formula created using owner expertise with proven effectiveness.
Quinary® supplement helps maintain health rather than waiting for the body to malfunction. It addresses the body's systems collectively as well as individually. Although it is very difficult to achieve with a formula as complex as this one, our blended herbs are maintained without preservatives or synthetic chemicals.This is my daily balance and attribution to my personal health and well being. I have been for years addressing issues of my outside and not my inside. What makes sense to me in this program is that we must be healthy inside to look healthy on the outside.
Thank you Lord for hearing my cries and directing me to Sunrider. I am feeling better and I know it's only going to go up from here.
Very Interesting... before today I have never heard of sunrider products before... I'm shocked to find out how common it is for women to struggle with hormonal imbalances... I too struggle with the above symptoms... and I know that I need to start taking better care of my body... food has so much to do with our health... Let me know how it's working for you... I personally am interested in that Green Tea... will check out their web site!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I want to eventually get to the point in my life-where I am not eating anything processed, no chemicals or hormones... no high fructose corn syrup and all that unhealthy junk food... it is so hard in this day & age to eat healthy. I am definately interested in Sunrider products...
I have also been involved with the company Mannatech which has another product that is excellent for boosting immune system via glyconutrients... check out this informational video (it's about 45 min long- so you will have to watch it when you have time)... let me know what you think when you are done... Love you! :-D
I will check out Mannatech when I have a minute. I can give you a video to watch that will explain the whole process and how each herbal food works in what part of the body. I take all 3 listed above and am having some noticeable results.
ReplyDeleteI hope to be able to help you get some changes in your life too.
I love you too Victoria, it is an absolute pleasure getting to know you.